The culture of BBCC is how we desire to do life together, it’s how the Holy Spirit is teaching us to love us each other and how to impact our community in a greater way. We are followers of Jesus Christ, sons and daughters of Father God and we want to live in such a manner that it draws people to the God who loves them. Three words/concepts make up this framework of following together…Breathing, Bread, and Bridges.

Breathing: Every time we gather to learn from Scriptures, worship and experience the presence of God, we conspire together, breath together, and share the mystery of life together as the Body of Christ. This is where we learn how to engage the circle. (Church Life)

Bread: This about sharing meals together, encouraging the gift of hospitality with the church community and the circle community. Seeking opportunities to build friendships and experience deeper fellowship. This is where we practice expanding the circle. (Family Life)

Bridges: This is where we build bridges, avenues for connections that build and bring life. We seek these opportunities by serving and giving time, talents and whatever God leads us to. This is where we grow the circle. (Community Life)