Café Hero

Twice a month, on selected Friday nights, we hold a Café Hero night.

Café Hero isn’t a Christian concert night but gives us all an opportunity to invite people that may not feel comfortable coming to a church service but enjoy music, a good cup of coffee and friendly conversation. The music is a mixture of classic rock/folk/country/blues with Christian songs added in. We know that significant Gospel conversations have taken place around these tables.

The event is free, but we are asking for a $5 per person suggested donation (but you can give more!) to raise money (that’s the good works part) for the charity of the night. There will be some simple snacks but feel free to bring your favorite to enjoy with good coffee and music.

Stay connected with us!
Café Hero is a simple concept, enjoy good coffee, good music and throw in some good works as we raise money and awareness for local and worldwide charities. Please scan the code to add your email for info on future news and events.